Bryon Daly wrote in a response to a quistion from Kevin:

>  Alternately, get a high-quality digital camera (I wouldn't go for less than 3-4
> megapixels) for its computer convenience.  Read some reviews first, though, because 
>their picture
> quality can vary greatly.

For info on ditigital photography and camera's go to

It's an interesting site that gives you all the info you need to decide on whether or 
not to go for
digital. However if you want to go for enlargments, digital is an absolute no go. The 
best you can get
with a 3 mega pixel camera without detrimental loss of resolution is 13x18 cm. 
Generally picture
quality goes downhill from there. If you want bigger pictures you need more pixels and 
that costs much
much more. Even the 3 to 4 mega pixel camera's are already somewhat expensive 
depending on what other
gadgets you want. Normal internal zoom is a good option, but depending on combination 
of camera
intended object you risk distortions of the actual picture. A good lenssystem still is 
very, very
expensive. So the cost of the camera usually isn't in the body but in the mirror/lens 
system it uses.
The more zoom you have, the more expensive it gets. So 4 times is very reasonable if 
you don't want
anything too flashy. Any more will cost a lot more if you want your pictures to be 
good. If you really
want to zoom more you should consider using a seperate lens for that instead of having 
it built into
your camera. As for digital zoom, it isn't all that great. You loose the resolution 
you've already
got. Some Digital camera's do have the option of using different lenses but they are 
on the upper
scale of the price spectrum.

I also know there is a big difference between through the lens camera's and camera's 
with seperate
viewfinder. I'm not sure which is better though, I think it depends on what you wanne 
do with it.



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