>From another list:

> For those with a vaguely notable web presence.
> <<http://www.googlism.com/>>

Sonja is sick of spineless men.... was the first one that came up for filling in
my first name. I wonder what that's supposed to mean. :o)
Another remarkable one is that 'Sonja is a woman on a mission'. Huh? me? what
mission? Must be another Sonja altogether.
Or how about this one 'Sonja is a knockout of a woman'... My immediat respons
would be 'flattery will get you no where'. ;o)
And finally this one 'Sonja is a natural and friendly being and especially a
stimulating and empathic partner for conversations'. Ah well....

Entering my full name however yielded no results. I guess I'm an obscure enough
web presence.

Sonja ...
... is in brownies.... to which I can only add: 'yumm'


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