At 11:17 29-11-2002 -0600, Robert Seeberger wrote:

> >GSV And Don't Get Me Started On The Resident Brin-L Mail-Bomber
> I assume you are referring to me. Well, I can assure that I have never
> been involved in any mailbombing. At
>, mailbombing is correctly
> defined as: "Enough email intentionally delivered to a mailbox to overload
> it or its host system". I have never done such a thing. But you are of
> course free to prove me wrong.

More like mailgrenading!
You have so far received 10 messages off-list from me that the list censors did not want you to read. The first nine of them were sent in a time frame of 2-3 minutes (the tenth was sent approx. 12 hours later). Please explain how (given the above definition of mailbombing) this can be considered a mailbombing or mailgrenading, and how sending nine messages over a period of three minutes can overload a mailbox or a mailserver. Take into account that when you download your Brin-L mail, you often download significantly more messages within the same time frame of 2-3 minutes, without disrupting anything.

Jeroen "Moderation is evil, why it must be eradicated" van Baardwijk


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