Hezbollah calls for global attacks 
By Paul Martin 

LONDON — The leader of the Lebanese Muslim group Hezbollah is urging a
global suicide bombing campaign, increasing the prospect that the
regional conflict between Arabs and Israelis will expand to mimic or even
merge with al Qaeda's war against the West. 

Two recent speeches by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah leader, Sheik Hassan
Nasrallah, have raised the specter of attacks outside the region by a
powerful and well-organized military force — a force that successfully
pushed the Israeli army out of southern Lebanon two years ago.
"By Allah, if they touch Al Aqsa we will act everywhere around the
world," Sheik Nasrallah told an estimated 10,000 gun-toting, bearded
fighters in southern Lebanon on Friday. Several hundred "suicide
commandos" also took part.
Al Aqsa refers to a sacred Muslim site in Jerusalem that, although under
Israeli military control, is in practice administered by Palestinian
Muslim authorities.
The site, holy to both Jews and Muslims, is a flash point for tension and
outbreaks of violence.
Taken alone, Sheik Nasrallah's remarks might be interpreted as no more
than a warning to Israel not to alter the status quo.
But earlier in the week, at a rally in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, Sheik
Nasrallah issued a far more ominous threat.
"Martyrdom operations — suicide bombings — should be exported outside
Palestine," he said.
"I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be
shy about it," he added.
Both speeches were broadcast by a Hezbollah-owned TV station in Lebanon.
The sheik has made no direct comment on Thursday's twin attacks in Kenya,
in which missiles were fired at an Israeli passenger jet and suicide
bombers attacked an oceanfront hotel.
However, a previously unknown group calling itself the Army of Palestine
claimed responsibility for the attacks in a press statement sent from
"The rapid statement, and the peculiarity of Lebanese fundamentalist
terminology used in that statement, leads me to believe that this was the
hand of Hezbollah," said Walid Phares, a professor of Middle Eastern
studies and religious conflict at Florida Atlantic University.
The Palestinian militant groups in Gaza and the West Bank insist they
have no intention to take their battle with Israel outside the region.
Islamic Jihad spokesman Nafez Azaam said yesterday his group's "ideology
and strategy is based on fighting the occupation and liberating the
Palestinian lands."
"We have no interest in transferring the battle to any field outside
Palestine," he told the Associated Press by phone from Gaza.
Hamas spokesman Ismail Abu Shanab also told AP his group had "no interest
in engaging in battle with anyone else outside the land of Palestine."
But Mr. Phares warned that Hezbollah had been establishing closer ties
with Palestinian radical groups, holding meetings in Lebanon with
representatives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad every couple of weeks and
issuing joint press statements.
Although Palestinian groups in exile actively attacked Western targets in
the 1980s with high-profile hijackings and bombings outside the region,
the focus shifted with the onset of the first Palestinian uprising
against Israel in 1988.
Throughout the 1990s, Hezbollah and Palestinian groups operating from the
West Bank and Gaza Strip pursued a strictly national agenda.
Since Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon in May 2000, Hezbollah has
sought a new and expanded role, and had strengthened its contacts with
radical Muslims including al Qaeda, Mr. Phares said.
In that context, Mr. Phares described Sheik Nasrallah's comments as a
Hezbollah enjoys strong financial backing from its mentor Iran, and has
been permitted and encouraged to operate, within certain confines, by
Syria, which controls Lebanon.
Its military prowess has been seen as a model by Palestinian leaders, who
had hoped that by initiating a second uprising against Israel in
September 2000, they too could force a similar withdrawal by Israeli
forces from the West Bank and Gaza.
Hezbollah would never openly declare an alliance or relationship with al
Qaeda, according to analysts, because that would embarrass Syria.
Syria is actively being courted by the United States because of Syria's
longtime animosity toward its neighbor Iraq.
Hezbollah has already made some inroads into Palestinian insurgency: Its
yellow flag, with the words "Allah is Great" inscribed in green, appears
at many radical Palestinian demonstrations.
The flag can even be seen in some Arab villages in Israel.
Israel's defense force chief, Lt. Gen. Moshe Yaalon, on Monday said al
Qaeda was already operating against Israeli targets.
He said his forces had already foiled many al Qaeda attacks in Israel,
adding that the organization made use of Palestinian operatives in the
West Bank and Gaza.
In some ways a tacit alliance between the two is surprising, in that al
Qaeda along with Hamas and Islamic Jihad are strong adherents of Sunni
Islam, while Hezbollah's followers are Shi'ites.
The two branches of Islam reflect a schism that occurred in one
generation after the founder Muhammad.
However, the branches' common hatred of the West appears to have muted
social and doctrinal differences. Hezbollah has close Sunni allies in two
key Lebanese cities, Tripoli and Sidon.
Imad Mughnieh, the Hezbollah official who masterminded the attacks
against the U.S. Marine barracks, French Marines and the U.S. Embassy in
1983, fled to Iran. Intelligence sources report he met with al Qaeda
operatives in the late 1990s.
Of concern for anti-terror agencies is the stronghold Hezbollah has
established in Canada, which is seen as a springboard for future actions
and influence inside the United States.
Canada's government has been under fire from the opposition, lobbies and
some parliamentary members of the ruling Liberal Party to ban the
organization. Canada's only action so far has been to order banks to
freeze the assets of the group's "External Security Force," the National
Post newspaper reported.
The newspaper also reported that Bill Graham, the minister of foreign
affairs, had decided not to outlaw Hezbollah in its entirety because the
group is also involved in social and political work in Lebanon.
The group has been using Canada as a source of money, forged documents,
stolen cars, recruits and military-use equipment, the Post reported
Saturday, citing unnamed police and intelligence officials.
One of Sheik Nasrallah's top men, Ayub Fawzi, 38, operated from Canada
for several years. He was on the list of 22 wanted terrorists published
by the United States after the September 11 attacks.
At some point, he moved back to the Palestinian territories and was
captured by Israeli security forces in June.


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