--- Jon Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[Kneem wrote]
> >
> Nuts lower diabetes risk, not fattening
> Thursday, 28 November  2002
> Nuts can dramatically reduce your risks of
> developing type 2 diabetes
> Eating nuts substantially lowers the risk of
> developing type 2 diabetes and 
> does not lead to weight gain, a large-scale American
> study of women has 
> found - a result that is likely to also apply to
> men.

And an article I posted for our office health news:

"...Compared with men who were not big nut eaters,
those who ate nuts at least twice a week were about
half as likely to fall victim to sudden heart death.
And the nut eaters were 30% less likely to die from
heart disease, according to researcher Christine M.
Albert, MD, MPH, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in
Boston, and colleagues...

...Lichtenstein says it's most likely the omega 3
fatty acids found in nuts that provide protection
against the heart rhythm problems that can lead to
sudden death. 

Researchers say walnuts contain especially high
amounts of these fatty acids compared with other types
of nuts. Nuts are also rich in magnesium, potassium,
and vitamin E, all of which have the ability to
protect the heart, according to the researchers. In
addition, nuts contain substances known as flavonoids,
which have recently been shown to reduce the risk of
heart-related deaths." 

Flavanoids are also found in green and black tea.

Chock-Full Of Goodness Maru

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