> In a message dated 12/7/2002 8:41:45 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
> >  You know, I liked that paragraph up to the point of nipping the breast
> >  -- I had mine nipped rather painfully recently enough to think that if
> >  they're *still* nipping the breast at *that* point, maybe they oughtta
> >  be smacked down.  (I just screamed in surprise and pain, pried him off
> >  and denied further access.  He's *almost* weaned.  *Almost*.)
> >
> >   Julia
> And if you were Tymbrimi, he'da had four more to choose from.

Oh, lucky me -- four more to get bit.  <grumble>

He's really been very good on the whole biting thing, just occasionally
needed a very strong reminder once we were past the initial biting. 
(Don't let anyone tell you that a toothless person's bite can't hurt. 
It can.  And don't let anyone tell you that a 2-week-old can't learn --
one can.)
> William Taylor
> ---------------------
> How would you define an
> underwire Tymbrimi bra?

Well, do you use multiple wires or one continuous one, and if it's
continuous, how is it shaped?


who personally doesn't like underwire bras, finds them uncomfortable

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