----- Original Message -----
From: "Reggie Bautista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Starship Trooper

> Rob wrote:
> >This is what I think of when I hear "Starship Trooper"
> [Actual song lyrics by YES snipped]
> I never much liked the version on the Yes album, I think the one from
> Yessongs is much superior.

I agree. Most of the versions on Yessongs blow away the studio versions.
ST was never one of my favorite songs, I liked it a lot, but there were
others I liked better. But there was one concert in '78 where the band was
playing so perfectly, and everything was just so right, that I felt that I
was hearing the most beautiful piece of music imaginable and felt myself
uplifted, spirit and soul, to a place (spititual mental whatever) that was
pure and purely delightful. I suppose it was some sort of transcendent
experience, it was great, I wish it would happen again, but I'm not willing
to give myself over to silly theories of how such things occur in order to
find it.

> The first one completely ignores the concept of
> personal responsibility... Just kidding :-)
> I had always thought the song was ok, but then I heard it in concert
> the 9012-Live tour at an outdoor amphitheater her in KC that used to be
> called Sandstone (the name changed last year to the name of some corporate
> sponsor that I can't remember, but everyone pretty much ignores that name
> and still calls it Sandstone).
> It had been overcast for three days before the concert.  A few songs
> Starship Trooper, it had started to sprinkle, and then to rain pretty
> And then *during* Starship Trooper, the rain trailed off to nothing within
> the first minute or so, and as the song went on, the wind picked up, the
> clouds suddenly parted, and we had a clear view of the stars in at least
> half of the sky by the time it ended.
> That song has had a special place in my heart ever since.
> Reggie Bautista
> The Beauty of the Moment Maru
Either I've heard stories about that particular concert many many times, or
this has happened at Yes concerts many many times. This is a topic that
comes up on alt.music.yes sometimes.

Not A Friend To Yes Religioun Types Maru


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