At 19:31 2002-12-15 -0600, you wrote:

French is such a rich language that it now has, by state decree, two words
for the "at" sign, which has become a worldwide symbol for the Internet, but
only one official way to pronounce it.
... snip

In Quebec, there is a permanent organisation whose role it is to find french
expressions for new terms.  They have been very succesful in some cases
like "courriel" for email, and less succesful in other cases.

Here is a link to their online French-English dictionary (french only):


The Harsh Struggle Against Reality Maru

And what is reality?  Should we just stop talking French and limit
ourselves to the One-True-Language ?  Courriel is the contraction
of "courrier" (mail) and "électronique".  The english word "mail"
is used for shopping malls, how is it appropriate for messaging?



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