At 18:50 2002-12-16 -0500, Jon wrote:

When I was in Montreal last February, I remember seeing a newspaper article about a bombing (or perhaps a bomb threat?) at a coffee shop chain that had an English name and refused to change its name into French. The article indicated that terrorist actions like that were the responsibility of a local anti-English-language movement.

Granted, it's been a few months and I may be misremembering the facts, but did you hear about this?

Granted we do have our wackos. That group, IIRC, is headed by an old FLQ member and
its membership is made up of kids who seem to think that those were the good old days.

The geat majority of french Quebecers despise such actions. The whole population
is made out to look like a bunch of xenophobes and hatemongers when the opposite
is true. Whenever something like this happens, it's always a good idea to read or
listen to what the French media has to say about it, because the english media in
Quebec has an agenda (to put it mildly.)



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