Richard Baker wrote:
> Jon said:
> > Can any of our British Brinnellers explain how many pounds a ":stone"
> > is?
> I thought that's the sort of arcane fact that only Americans know.
> ( tells me it's 14lbs, but also says that it
> varies with the article weighed[!] so that a butcher's stone is 8lbs, a
> stone of cheese 16lbs, of hemp 32lbs and of glass 5lbs. I don't think
> I've ever heard anything quite so absurd.)

For weighing human beings, it's 14 lbs.  I went and looked it up one day
in high school after being unable to answer the question of a friend of
mine (who was born and raised in England until she was 14 years old or
so) as to how many stone did I weigh?  (The answer then was 7 or so.)

So Sammy weighs almost 2 stone.  :)


not going to say anything about her own weight today

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