Jon Gabriel wrote:
> >From: Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: SCOUTED:  Segway scooter hot seller online
> >Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 23:16:59 -0600
> >
> >Jon Gabriel wrote:
> > >
> > > Cat Pee and Segways.  Did we all have a boring Saturday night or
> > > something?  *grin*
> > >
> > > Julia, was it "The Postman"?  Since no one seems to be guessing.
> >
> >No.  Go back and look again at the post where I ask the question.
> >
> >       Julia
> >
> >betcha Jim will get it, anyway
> Well, I cheated.  Went to and looked up 'with great power comes
> great responsibility" and got....
> Spiderman!

That's it exactly.

Well, I got 1 other DVD, not a movie, and it would take forever to guess
which one.  (Unless you found my wishlist, looked through
*that* carefully, and then you could figure out by process of
elimination.  But that would be a pain, so if anyone asks, I'll tell.)

Oh, and at a party with a gift exchange, I walked off with 3 DVDs,
including Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, which is really baaaaad. 
(Which was the point in walking off with it.)


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