From: "Andrew Crystall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Data indicates Trekkies not weird
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:01:57 -0000

On 31 Dec 2002 at 12:55, J. van Baardwijk wrote:

> Well, guess this makes it kind of official:
> LONDON, England (Reuters) -- The crew of the Starship Enterprise have
> sprung to the defense of Trekkies -- No, they are not obsessive
> weirdos who need to get a life.
> ex.html

I bet.

I'm a hardcore scifi and I still maintain Trekkies are weird.
Hell, I'm involved in WRITING a couple of RPG's and I study
computer game design and I still maintain Trekkies are weird :P

Not all of us are weird. I know lots of ST fans who are much more normal than (as the article suggests,) your average football fan. I guess the difference falls somewhere between "watch the show" and "live the show."

Anyway, I have very close friends who are members of the SCA and they're *much* wierder and freakier than your average Trek fan. I'm sure my opinion will now prompt angry squawks from Tucson. :)

Of Course, MY idea of Roughing It is going without my DVD player

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