From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Problem For Conservatives
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 16:23:52 -0800 (PST)

--- William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reggie Bautista wrote:
> >>> Of *course* God exists.
> >>> Haven't you ever heard of Mulder's Razor?
> >
> > William T. Goodall replied:
> >> It was proved otherwise last year on this list.
> >
> > As I recall, that proof was refuted.  O Jeroen,
> master of the archives?
> It wasn't refuted. It was objected to, and protested
> at, and even disbelieved - but not refuted.

As I recall, it was refuted in the sense that it is
not possible to prove or disprove, like the QM theory
that a/new universe(s) is/are created each second.

Question: why is it so important to attempt "proof"
one way or the other?  Belief in the Divine is Faith.

Heretic Lutheran Deist Maru  ;)
Well, IMO, the simplest explanation is that science is man's way of quantifying the universe. It is almost impossible for a scientist to accept that there are things man cannot quantify or understand. Yet, paradoxically, there are scientific theories that exist about the universe which may never be proven or disproven because we lack the tools to do so. Heck, we still haven't yet really identified what makes us conscious. (In my case, it's that frickin' train horn on my morning ride to work.) :)

On some level, I think most scientists equate the term 'faith' with what my father told me when i came home with a science question from school in 7th grade: "'Instinct' is a term scientists use when they don't know why an animal behaves a certain way." (He had a PhD in the oceanographic sciences, was a marine biologist and HS bio teacher.) In other words, the word is a 'cop-out'. Yet, I personally have complete and unshakeable faith that God exists and we are here for a purpose. My spiritual and religious beliefs may not make sense to some people, but that's not their concern -- it's mine. :)

Ah well, perhaps I'm straying from the topic. :)

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