> -----Original Message-----


> > If you're serious about publishing a CD-ROM, you might want to talk to
> > an intellectual property lawyer before assuming that you're not exposing
> > yourself to liability by doing so.
> I don't believe for a second that it would be illegal. The CD-ROM
> would only
> contain material that is already publicly available on-line (and free of
> charge), so I would not be violating any copyright. If it would be a
> violation of copyright, then putting messages in public archives
> would also
> be a violation of copyright. But as vast public archives such as
> Yahoogroups
> and Mail-archive.com still have not been shut down by court order, I don't
> believe for a second that any judge would convict me.

You don't seem to grasp the difference between copying on the Internet,
which is the medium in which the messages are original published, and a
different medium, CD-ROM.  You'd be using my intellectual property in a
manner which I did not authorize.

> If you are suddenly so adament about protecting copyrights, why
> don't I hear
> you complaining about people posting entire (copyrighted) articles from
> other sources (CNN, BBC etcetera) here? If you want to defend copyrights,
> then at least be *consistent* about it!

I haven't noticed them copying *my* intellectual property.  You are mistaken
if you don't believe that I have done so in the past, when people have
infringed on copyrights owned by me or my company.  I'm not sure what action
I'd take if you decided to go ahead and do so.  I'm still hoping you'll
realize that perhaps you're not an expert on intellectual property and
should check with someone who is.

> I really don't understand why you are suddenly making such a fuss...

It's the context in which you offered to sell it to me.  Unlike our
discussion of intellectual property, which everyone here probably benefits
from, I don't think there's much point in discussing that further.

> By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
> (both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any
> other form,
> and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
> consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

I do not agree to this, even though I have read and replied to a number of
messages.  I think perhaps we should discuss a community policy regarding
this sort of notice.  If anyone can create a loophole in the list policies
by attaching such a disclaimer, then the policies themselves become moot.
For example, I could include a disclaimer to the effect that by reading my
message, you thereby agree that nothing in it is a personal attack.



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