Ronn! wrote:
My parents are Ellis and Mary Blankenship. The fact that I share genetic material with neither is of no consequence.

Family is about a lot more than biology.
Agreed. My parents are Ynacio and Frances Bautista, although I'm not a result of their genes mixing. I never had any problem with it because they told me as soon as I was old enough to understand that I was adopted, and that this meant that I was special, and that they wanted me so much that had to go through much difficulty* to get me. Of other adoptees I know, the only ones who had a problem with it are the ones who weren't told until later. YMMV, of course.

Reggie Bautista

* I know, labor and delivery are or can be difficult, but at least they don't require getting your house inspected several times and jumping through various other legal hoops. And actually, Mom and Dad had it somewhat easier than most in adopting me. They had always wanted 6 kids (traditional Mexican Catholic family), and after their 5th, mom became unable to have anymore. A neighbor couple had been on a waiting list for adoption through a private adoption lawyer, and they suddenly, unexpectedly, conceived. The lawyer agreed to put my parents in place of the other couple on the waiting list, and that's how I ended up where I am, more or less.

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