At 12:51 PM 1/18/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Dan Minette wrote:
> >
> > >Clearly, we ain't nobody, Kevin.
> >
> > Why this hostility. All I wanted was an opinion or "mini review" with a
> > little depth than a couple of lines, thats all!
> >
> > Damon.
> Humor, Damon, not hostility. I didn't put a smiley on because it was
> supposed to be dry humor. :-)

The problem, Dan, is that nobody expects *anything* dry from anyone
living near Houston.  :)


Actually I didn't know what it meant* but I was sure it was nothing. And I wasn't meaning anything hostile, but I don't have the time to type book reviews. Just having fun! ;-)

Kevin T.
*still don't, but that's okay.


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