Jon Gabriel wrote:
> *I'M* still wondering what sick and twisted thing "Fnord" means......

It's not in my dictionary.

It's from the Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson.  Or so I've
been told; I haven't actually read it, just wasted^H^H^H^H^H^Hspent too
much time in college around people who *had*.  Some of them got the
bright idea of flipping the seats on the upper deck of the stadium to
spell out "FNORD", one of them planned it out, and a group somehow
managed to get in and execute it.

This is part of the same larger group that had another subset found the
"Campus Crusade for Cthulu", and it seemed at the time that that was
done primarily to upset a particular individual whom the founders
thought had a bit of a stick up his ass, and who was a big proponent of
"Campus Crusade for Christ".


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