Report from lgf:

> Arabs Condemn Launch
> The enigmatic and erudite E. Nough has unearthed a
> shocking story from the al-Jee'ef news wire:
> Arab street 'explodes' in the wake of 'illegal Zionist
> occupation' of Earth orbit
> DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (al-Jee'ef) - The Arab League
> "strongly condemned" today the launch of the NASA space
> shuttle Columbia with Israeli astronaut Col. Ilan Ramon on
> board. "This is surely but the first step towards complete
> and outright illegal Zionist occupation of space," said
> Arab League spokesman Abr Souffla. "We will not sit idly
> by and permit this usurpation of a cosmos that by
> birthright belongs to the Palestinian people and their
> Arab and Muslim brethren. The Israeli occupation of
> Palestine must end, and the Zionists must not be permitted
> any further territorial grabs of Historic Palestine,
> whether in the West Bank or in low earth orbit."
> In Gaza City today, thousands of Palestinians marched in
> the streets, many firing weapons into the air. "With our
> blood and our souls, we will strike the orbital Zionists,"
> chanted the protestors. Sheikh Yermani-Makr, appearing on
> Palestinian television, said, "It is not enough that the
> unbelievers have come on our land, but now they also take
> our heavens? How can this be permitted?" Palestinian
> youths also took to the streets in Nablus, chanting, "One!
> two! Where's the Arab manned space program?" In Nablus,
> three Palestinian youths were dragged through the streets
> by members of the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade, who accused
> them of being "collaborators." Witnesses said that the
> teenagers were heard making positive statements about the
> American science fiction program Star Trek, several of
> whose main characters were played by Jewish actors.
> Reports of the teenagers having received "atomic wedgies"
> were unconfirmed.
> In New York today, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said
> that an Israeli presense in space is "unhelpful" and would
> only serve to further aggravate tensions between Israelis
> and Arabs. The sentiment was echoed from Madrid by EU
> representative Javier Solana, who said that what the
> Middle East needed was more negotiation, and "less cosmic
> adventurism."
> Yaser Arafat's live speech on the Qatar-based pan-Arab
> satellite network al-Jazeera today was quickly
> discontinued as he began talking about "Martyrs by the
> millions, floating toward Jupiter."
> :^)
> To prove what everyone already knows (that the Jews
> control the world) the largest planet was named Jewpiter.
> al-Jee'ef = lgf =
> >


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