Robert Seeberger wrote:

> Awful indecent of me to not mention this previously,
> But Susan and i will be getting married
> Feb. 15.
> Just 2 weeks left.
> <G>

Congrats. Have a great time. If things go as planned you only have the
opportunity to do it once, so it better be a good one. <grin>
Will you grant us the pleasure of at least one photo of bride and groom?
I'm sure Steve would love to put it up on his website and we are all a
bit of a gawker.

As for staying together... I dunno. Haven't really thought about it much
and here we are ten years down the road and almost five into marriage
already. Time flies when you are having fun. Maybe the best way to stay
to gether is if you've thought things through before you hit the big
yes.... and then stick with it.


GCU: Februari, winterbrides, romance


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