> I have two very unusual recommendations, but I base them on experience.
> The first one is "Lord of the Rings".  Down here, it's flying off the
> shelves.  There is no kid or punk who is not seen in my school without a
> copy of the book in their hands. I even see the college kids reading it
> during my daily commute.  And yes, they are actually reading it. ;-)  My
> kids talk about it like it's gospel.  I cannot think of a better
> choice to
> broaden a kid's taste for fantasy and literature.

We saw the second movie with him and he really liked it, so that's
definitely a good idea.

> The second one: find anything (albeit light on content) on the
> discoveries
> of Nicola Tesla. One of the kids I tutor, who definitely fits the mold of
> what you describe, is gaga over Tesla. If that doesn't turn them
> "on" into
> science, I don't know what will.

Interesting.  I recall that Tesla intrigued me, but I can't quite remember
the context.  Something to do with creativity and innovation.  Maybe Norbert



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