--- "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to Fernand Braudel, 308 years ago today,
> on 3 February 1695, the Palatine wrote:
>     `At the king's table the wine and water froze in
> the glasses.'
> in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, France.
> This was the combined result of the little ice age
> and poorly designed fireplaces.
<snipped book reference> 

This has nothing to do with the historical reference,
but the topic line seemed very appropriate:

Two weeks or so ago (it was cold but not snowy), I
heard a loud thu-du-du-thoomp! in my fireplace; I went
over to look, and a little whiskered face peered out
from behind the glass.  Apparently the screen over the
chimney is faulty, allowing a squirrel to fall/squirm
in (I say the latter b/c that squirrel shoved through
the doors even after I'd put a box of papers in front
to brace them!).  

After a wild chase into the tub, up the shower
curtain, back to the dining nook and over more boxes
of papers and books, I was finally able to shoo it out
the front door.  Then I called Animal Control to
cancel the removal call...

Late last night after I got home (safely through the
snow-on-top-of-ice), I heard noises in the
garage...sure enough, it was another squirrel.  Chased
it out the door with a dressage whip - guess it wanted
to get away from the unfamiliar cold wet stuff.  :)

I Have Cats For The Mice, Maybe I Need A Dog For The
Other Furry Varmints Maru
And Hoorah For The Snow! Maru

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