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> NASA Science News for January 29, 2003
> Forget antimatter and dilithium crystals. The next
> hot rocket fuel is candle wax!

"Waiting inside his Mercury capsule for the command
that would start the countdown and make him the first
American in space, Alan Shepard yelled impatiently,
"Let's light this candle!"

Those words may turn out to be more prophetic than
Shepard intended.

Since 2001, NASA's Ames Research Center has been
testing a new rocket fuel made from--believe it or
not--candle wax...

...In their design, the paraffin burns in the presence
of pure oxygen gas. This alone causes it to burn much
hotter than it does in air, which is only about 21%
oxygen. That much had been done before. Karabeyoglu's
innovation was to blow the oxygen past the melted
surface of the paraffin fast enough to "whip up" this
surface, like the ocean's choppy surface on a windy
day. The "sea spray" of paraffin droplets that this
kicks up burns very rapidly, tripling the combustion
rate of the fuel.

More than 40 test firings by the Stanford-Ames
collaborative project have shown that the idea works
as advertised. That's good news for the rocket
industry, because this paraffin fuel would be much
simpler and safer to work with than the toxic,
explosive fuels used today..."

Cleaning Out "To Read" Files Maru

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