--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The closest the US/UK have come to achieving the
> former is Bush mumbling
> a
> > rehashed version of manifest destiny suggesting
> it's America's turn to
> > take up the 21st century version of the White
> Man's Burden.
> Why mock his view like that?  The US does not have
> colonies.  I think that
> the actions and results in Japan and Europe after
> WWII is the ideal Bush
> wants to emulate.  Unless you think that human
> rights just exist in a
> cultural context, and dictatorial rule and genocide
> are acceptable within
> other cultural contexts and it is terribly
> egotistical to think that other
> people think like we do and don't want totalitarian
> government.
> Dan M.

Apart from which, has anyone actually read "The White
Man's Burden"?  It was racist to modern ears -
although not to those of his time, let's give Kipling
some credit, please, but if people did they might
realize it does have something to say.

Take up the White Man's burden-- 
Send forth the best ye breed-- 
Go, bind your sons to exile 
To serve your captives' need; 
To wait, in heavy harness, 
On fluttered folk and wild-- 
Your new-caught sullen peoples, 
Half devil and half child.

Take up the White Man's burden-- 
In patience to abide, 
To veil the threat of terror 
And check the show of pride; 
By open speech and simple, 
An hundred times made plain, 
To seek another's profit 
And work another's gain.

Take up the White Man's burden-- 
The savage wars of peace-- 
Fill full the mouth of Famine, 
And bid the sickness cease; 
And when your goal is nearest 
(The end for others sought) 
Watch sloth and heathen folly 
Bring all your hope to nought.

Take up the White Man's burden-- 
No iron rule of kings, 
But toil of serf and sweeper-- 
The tale of common things. 
The ports ye shall not enter, 
The roads ye shall not tread, 
Go, make them with your living 
And mark them with your dead.

Take up the White Man's burden, 
And reap his old reward-- 
The blame of those ye better 
The hate of those ye guard-- 
The cry of hosts ye humour 
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:-- 
"Why brought ye us from bondage, 
Our loved Egyptian night?"

Take up the White Man's burden-- 
Ye dare not stoop to less-- 
Nor call too loud on Freedom 
To cloak your weariness. 
By all ye will or whisper, 
By all ye leave or do, 
The silent sullen peoples 
Shall weigh your God and you.

Take up the White Man's burden! 
Have done with childish days-- 
The lightly-proffered laurel, 
The easy ungrudged praise: 
Comes now, to search your manhood 
Through all the thankless years, 
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, 
The judgment of your peers.

If you can come up with a better description of what
we will do in Iraq than "Send forth the best ye breed
. . . To serve your captives need" except for the fact
that the people or Iraq will be partners, not
captives, I have yet to hear it.  Kipling was an
Imperialist, but he wasn't a cheerful one, or one
arguing that Britain should go out and rape and
plunder across the world.  There was plenty of that
(and we shall, hopefully, avoid doing any of that) but
there was plenty "Fill[ing] full the mouth of Famine /
And bid[ding] sickness cease" as well.  I'm guessing
you don't object to that, Marvin?

Patronising and racist, certainly.  But there's a
certain nobility to it for all of that.  Unless you
know of something the US can do that would be _better_
for the people of Iraq than toppling Saddam Hussein,
maybe you should be a little bit more sympathetic to
the President.  He's doing it for American interests,
certainly - there's nothing immoral in that.  He is,
after all, the President of the United States, not of
Iraq.  But the course he has chosen is the single best
one that he could have chosen were he governing solely
in the interests of the people of Iraq, and he
deserves some acknowledgement and credit for that as


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