tax cuts for the rich but none for the poor,12271,893638,00.html

Please tax us, say (some) of America's richest 

Bill Gates Sr leads campaign against end of inheritance tax 

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Wednesday February 12, 2003
The Guardian 

A group of some of the richest people in the United States are trying to
persuade politicians to continue to tax the inherited fortunes of the
wealthy, as the Bush administration acts to end inheritance tax. 
Their move comes as 10 Nobel Laureates and hundreds of economists took a
full page ad in the New York Times yesterday to condemn President Bush's
other tax plans. 

The battle over inheritance tax pits one group of the very wealthy, who
believe that their money should be distributed widely, against another
group who want to be able to pass all of their riches to their children. 

Spearheading the campaign for inheritance tax are Bill Gates Sr, father
of the founder of Microsoft, and Chuck Collins, an heir to a meatpacking
empire. "It is a classic man bites dog story, I suppose," said Mr Collins
at a meeting in Santa Monica to promote their cause. 

Both men believe that the gap between the rich and the poor in the US is
expanding dangerously and that the imbalance threatens social cohesion
now that the top 1% of the country has more personal net worth than the
bottom 95% combined. They have co-authored a book, Wealth and Our
Commonwealth, which acts as their manifesto. 

At stake is the existing inheritance tax whose opponents have dubbed it
"the death tax". The Bush administration favours repealing the law which
has existed since 1916. This would reduce federal revenue by $850 billion
over the following ten years, Mr Gates Sr and Mr Collins say, and would
have an inevitable knock-on effect on social and educational services. In
addition, they claim, charities would lose an estimated $6 billion a year
as many contributions are currently made by people who know that the
money would otherwise go to the US treasury. 

"We don't think the tax should be repealed," said Mr Collins, the
co-founder of United for a Fair Economy and Responsible Wealth. 

He said that a powerful lobby, including the Gallo wine and Mars
confectionery families, had created the name "death tax" to persuade
people that many would be affected by the tax rather than just a tiny
number of the very rich. "They have spun a whole mythology around the
estate tax." 

"It is our country's most progressive tax," he said. "It's fiscally
reckless to remove it and it is a tremendous incentive to give to
charitable organisations." Mr Collins said that repealing the tax would
lead to a greater disparity between the rich and poor. "What kind of
country do we want to have? As John Paul Getty said, 'money is like
manure - it's most effective when it's spread around widely'." 

Mr Collins said the inheritance tax affected only a very tiny percentage
of those who died. Last year, 2.3 million people died in the US, of whom
only 49,000 had a taxable estate and, of these, only 700 had businesses
that would be affected by such a tax, he said. 

Bill Gates Sr, a former lawyer and the co-chairman of the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, said the campaign had become necessary because
the vast disparity between rich and poor was "an unattractive feature of
American life today". 

"Unfortunately, our politics has moved in a direction that means we have
to revisit the reason for progressive taxation," he said. 

While there was "nothing wrong or bad about wealth", said Mr Gates, the
fact that a rich lobby had been able to promote a repeal - effectively to
cut their own taxes - "demonstrates so clearly the power of wealth. It's
as simple as that. They don't want to pay it, and they virtually own the
US Congress. Money and power are very closely related in this country and
it's a very scary thing." 

The two men point to the growing disparity across the workforce; in 1980,
a chief executive earned 42 times the pay of their workers, now it is 419
times as much. 

Mr Gates and Mr Collins have received backing from Bill Joy, the
co-founder of Sun Microsystems, Ted Turner, George Soros and former
President Jimmy Carter. 


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