The news reports this meeting that SAM Batteries have now been deployed
throughout Washington, DC.    The "Avenger" surface-to-air missiles can
shoot down low-flying aircraft and helicopters.

Its amazing to think that this is actually happening, since until now this
had always been the stuff of science fiction novels.    Welcome to the future.
As opposed to the rings of sams that surrounded the capital and dotted the US landscape as defence from Soviet nuclear-armed bombers? Brave New World? I'd say Been There, Done That.

I'd be more concerned about the dedication of the US Government in defending the capital with Avengers than anything. The little 10lb warhead isn't going to be terribly effective. Even deploying old, outdated HAWK systems is a huge leap in capability, able to engage targets from high altitude to like 100ft. I'm a HUGE critic of the Avenger weapon system (and the slightly more capable Bradley based Linebacker system); your Defence dollars at work.

Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
Now Building: Revell's Tiger Ausf. H


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