From: "Jose J. Ortiz-Carlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Weird Trivia (Was: The Decline of the American Sitcom ( WasRE:POLICY PROPOSAL))
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:13:14 +0000

From: "Jon Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weird Trivia (Was: The Decline of the American Sitcom ( Was RE: POLICY PROPOSAL))
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 00:51:24 -0500

I meant to say, they lived in Glendale, which is about 20 minutes from
where I live by car.
Hey! Question.. is the Bunker's address a real one? 704 Houser(sp?).
Hrm... I have no idea. My instinct is to say no, because Queens addresses usually follow a specific pattern: # - # Street Name. The first number is the cross street. The second number is the house number on that street.

FREX, you have 189-12 20th Avenue, which is on 189th Street on 20th Avenue.
Even numbers are on one side, odd on the other. So, 189-10 and 189-14 are next door, and 189-11 is across the street.

I'll look around online and see, though. There are exceptions.

In early episodes, they mention that the welcome mat on the Bunker's door lists the house as belonging to "The MacNabbs". I wonder if this is a nod to the original family who lives in the house...
Could be.

Which reminds me, "704 Houser" was the title of yet another spinoff of "AitF". I think it lasted like, 3 episodes? Late '90s. The premiere episode, which I saw, included a visit by Joey Stivic. The Bunker's house was supposedly occupied then by an african-american family. Boy, what would Archie say...

More weird trivia:

(Yeah, I think too much....)
No! It's stream of consciousness at its' best. ;-)
You're very kind, thanks. :)  LOL

ST: TNG and subsequently DS9's writers had a running gag where they
would insert the number 47 into their scripts.
TNG, DS9 and Voyager episodes are great for those little minutiae.
Like the old GNDN reading on Jefferies tubes.. "Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing". I wonder if they're still labeling tubes GNDN in "Enterprise".

I'd bet they are. There was a tube that Rom crawled into on one DS9 ep labeled "Area 51". :) B5 had a few as well.

There was one label that was apparently on one of the Helm consoles on TNG from an old Jim Croce song that was my absolute favorite: "You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger. And you don't mess around with Jim"

You can always spot something odd, placed in the background of almost any scene in any of these shows, and you go, "wait, isn't that...??" You can always tell that those little things are there for fun.

Like the bottles in Quark's Bar, which were used in TOS, or Andrew Probert's designs in Picard's ready room. Or in Generations, very briefly, when Kirk passes in front of his fireplace, (you'll have to freeze-frame it to see it) you can see a production shot of TOS's Enterprise, proudly displayed along with a Bat'leth.. go figure.
I didn't know any of these! :) There used to be a site called "List of Lists" which had trivia about the shows, but it's long gone.


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