--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At
> http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/home/main100.shtml
> we see the report that "Saddam Hussein denied his
> al-Samoud 2 missiles
> violated U.N. mandates and indicated he will resist
> demands to destroy
> them."  If he does, then that will change the
> chances for the US resolution
> passing the Security Council tremendously.  My guess
> is that he'll agree at
> the very last, most dramatic moment, but we can hope
> that GWB needs to
> practice his very best penmanship.
> Dan M.

Will it, though?  If you believe that France and
Germany are being entirely insincere in their
opposition to war on Saddam - a reasonable conclusion,
although not necessarily one I agree with - then this
will mean nothing.  Saddam could do anything short of
publicly declaring his intention to nuke Paris and
they would oppose the resolution.  In a sense this is
interesting in a second way.  If Saddam does overplay
his hand - something he is wont to do - then this
becomes a test of France and Germany.  Are they acting
the way that they have been because they are
opportunistic, and see a chance (however small) to
realign the global power structure behind a
Franco-German Axis - in which case they will continue
to oppose the resolution - or are they genuinely
simply unwilling to use force even to support UN
resolutions, and thus have simply been dragging the US
through hoops as a fairly cynical delaying tactic?


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