On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 11:36:51AM -0800, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> I was, to some extent, baiting Jeroen to prove a point.  Where were these
> people a year ago?  Two years ago?  Five?  Where was their concern for the

Where were the people now strongly pushing towards war that time ago? Trying
to play the moral card is fraught with problems, not least because *nobody
on either side* really cared until Shrub and Blair dragged it up again.

Note that I'm not saying that's a *good* thing, but it is the case. The
people now strongly in favour of war didn't think twice about the Iraqi
people two years ago; trying to sell the war on that front is slightly
dishonest, IMO.

> In this particular case, it is striking that the ANSWER marches and
> rallies are so large, and that the people in them vigorously applaud the
> vilest anti-semitic and anti-American slurs.  Doesn't this tell us

Where on earth did anti-jewishness come into it? Which slurs are these that
you're talking about? (Specific examples would be good...)


   28. My pet monster will be kept in a secure cage from which it cannot
       escape and into which I could not accidentally stumble.

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