At 05:47 PM 3/15/03 +0100, Jean-Marc Chaton wrote:
* Dan Minette [Sat, 15/03/2003 at 10:25 -0600]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jean-Marc Chaton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 10:14 AM
> Subject: Re: RE: Deadlier Than War

> So, would you have been a pacifist in WWII?

No. I talked about bombing innocent civils. Sometimes force has to be
counterd by force, military against military.

And somehow, talking about WWII, I can speak about WWII and bombing and
civilian loss. My town (Saint-Nazaire) is an harbour and has been used
by german navy. To prevent them to use the harbour Allies bombed it. After
the war 90% of the town was destroyed (not the harbour). One of the
worst bombing killed 40 pupils in their school. It's still in the collective
memory. In the nearby town, Resistance killed one high rank military
(bullet in the head in the street, that's war, they were invaders). In
retaliation they took 50 people in hostage, asking Resistance to
surrender or they killed the hostages. Resistance didn't surrender, they
killed the hostages.

Which technique dates back at least to the Roman legions.

-- Ronn! :)

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