Gautam said:

> The ways that I can think of to do this, are, well, the exact same
> ways we generate energy right now.  So what's going on here?

I think most people talking about hydrogen economies envisage some
scheme for producing hydrogen using sunlight, perhaps by using some
helpful organism that can do this. The hydrogen itself would be a
useful way to store energy for use in vehicles or to transport it
around for use in fixed sites. I suppose this is really how the
hydrocarbon economy works, just with a much larger gap between the
storage of solar energy in chemical form and its eventual release.

I think that when we eventually get to the stage of colonising other
star systems, we'll do the same with antimatter, producing it here in
the Solar System using fusion or solar power and taking advantage of
its its extremely high release of energy per unit mass to achieve much
better starship performance than we can manage in fusion-powered ships.


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