On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 04:41 pm, Dan Minette wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Crystall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: From Justice Scalia, a Chilling Vision of Religion's Authority
in America

On 22 Mar 2003 at 14:54, William T Goodall wrote:

On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 02:32 pm, Andrew Crystall wrote:

On 22 Mar 2003 at 14:22, William T Goodall wrote:

On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 10:16 am, The Fool wrote:


Religion is evil. And people with known evil tendencies shouldn't be allowed to hold sensitive jobs.

"Intolerance is evil. And people with known intollerant tendencies shouldn't be allowed to hold sensitive jobs."

I agree.

Being explicitly anti-religion in your way is JUST as disqualifying in my mind as being a religious fanatic

I'm not in the least intolerant. There is nothing intolerant about objecting to evil. I don't want pedophiles working in kindergartens and I don't want religious loonies deciding law. Not a smidgen of intolerance there. Just common sense.

By labling all religion as evil, you've labled yourself as intolerant. I'm not going to budge from that view.

I'm reminded of the famed statement by segragationalists in the '60s "why
there isn't a racist bone in my body."

Only someone hopelessly mired in evil could even pretend see any connection here.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"A bad thing done for a good cause is still a bad thing. It's why so few people slap their political opponents. That, and because slapping looks so silly." - Randy Cohen.


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