> From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >You still are not getting it, don't you? :-( The question 
> is, is he is
> >going to use them against his own people and blame it on coalition
> >forces. :-(
> >
> I get it, but don't think that will be a particularly 
> effective ploy.  

I disagree.  There are folks out there who think the CIA or the Israelis
engineered the 9/11 attacks for whatever reason.  Someone who would believe
that would have no trouble believing that the US would gas their own troops
(let alone innocent Iraqis) just to make it look like Saddam had these
weapons and justify the war.  The US's declarations and caches of gas masks
aren't going to change these peoples minds.  And those are the people Saddam
is trying to get on his side.

 - jmh

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