> From: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I am the oldest of 7 in a family where the average is 4 - 5 
> children (I have
> 80 or so cousins via my 13 aunts and uncles and that's just 
> my moms side of the family).
> After the second child, the older children do quite a bit to 
> help with the
> younger children. And I can't tell you how wonderful it is to 
> have so many
> relatives while you are growing up.

I agree that a large family is nice.  I'm the youngest of 7 myself.  I loved
having so many brothers and sisters growing up and it's nice now to have a
large family to visit with and all.  But I don't know how my parents
survived it!  

 - jmh

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