At 04:45 PM 4/1/2003 -0600, you wrote:
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Kevin Tarr wrote:

> >When did Geraldo become a "veteran reporter" and cease to be a national
> >embarassment?
> >
> >   Marvin Long
> Maybe when fourteen neighbors died September 11, 2001. Oh wait, that would
> mean a journalist can have ideals.

Was there a memo establishing that Geraldo Rivera is to be regarded as
representative of quality journalism as such?  I must have missed it.

Summer grass - all that | Marvin Long

Was there a memo proclaiming Marvin Long to be a judge of someone's character? Or that he is an authority on what a quality journalist is? Maybe his realm is just embarrassments.

Kevin T. - VWRC


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