On 4 Apr 2003 at 12:18, Richard Baker wrote:

> Damon said:
> > My #1 reccommendation to you if you want to sell units is to make it
> > D20 compatable. This can be as intrusive or unobtrusive as you want
> > it. I assume the real MEAT of the setting is...the setting!
> I haven't put much thought into game systems for AA because, as you
> say, the setting is the important thing. I've always been pretty
> agnostic when it comes to rules, because in my experience gamesmasters
> fudge things so much that the game system isn't really as important as
> most people think it is. I'll certainly have to investigate D20 more

Totally agree. *glares at certain anti-D20 zealots he knows* (not ppl 
on the list, heh)

> though - it was just starting to come along as I was drifting out of
> active role-playing. I certainly found the Open Gaming License an
> interesting idea though. The "game system" supplement might well turn
> into a set of guidelines for using Ad Astra with various generic game
> systems.

That's certainly an idea. Having a D20/SRD version of the rules 
wouldn't preclude another ruleset (like Fuzion, as much as I 
personally dislike it) as an option.

> One idea I have been toying with is a system based on logarithmic
> attributes for realistic space combat. Because the effectiveness of
> space weapon systems is largely determined by the laws of physics,
> that means that a simulation will have lots of inverse power laws
> floating around, as well as multiplications and divisions. In a
> logarithmic system, the power laws become multiplications and
> multiplication and division just addition and subtraction. It would
> make it so much easier to calculate the effectiveness of active
> sensors or beam weapons or kinetic energy weapons, as well as things
> like delta-v. The only problem is chosing a convenient base for the
> logs...

Well, it depends if you're going to have the spacecraft system 
pen'n'paper or a computerised play-aid. The pen'n'paper is undenyably 
handy, bit it does limit the maths you can use.

Have both :P

Dawn Falcon


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