--- Gilbert Gosseyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, this is our propaganda, targeted to those who
> can't read the convention and take media coverage as
> truth. Between educated people, are we compelled to
> repeat it ?

Yes, since it's true.  This sort of arrogance is one
of the most annoying things about the peace movement -
are you all really so self-involved that you think
everyone who disagrees with you is lying or dumb? 
Judging by this post, yes.  How, well, unsurprising.

But your quick read of the Geneva Conventions was
obviously too quick.  Try again.  Go look up the
definition for who is protected by the conventions. 
It (obviously) doesn't apply to members of Al Qaeda. 
This has all been discussed - at great length - on the
list.  The archives might be helpful to you as well.


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