On Sat, Apr 05, 2003 at 08:49:39AM -0600, The Fool wrote:

> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFriendly/0%2C%2C1-2-629399%2C00.html
> THE original blueprints for a device that could have revolutionised
> the motor car have been discovered in the secret compartment of a tool
> box.

Well, the article isn't completely irresponsible, but you have to read
to the end to get to the one paragraph in the whole thing that talks
about real engineering considerations:

  Engineers who have tried in the past to build a carburettor
  using Pogue's theories have found the results less than
  satisfactory. Charles Friend, of Canada's National Research Council,
  told Marketplace, a consumer affairs programme: "You can get fantastic
  mileage if you.re prepared to de-rate the vehicle to a point where,
  for example, it might take you ten minutes to accelerate from 0 to 30
  miles an hour".

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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