I wrote:
As science fiction, The Matrix and sequel(s) certainly have problems. But as a reading of the Merovingian Heresy and as a Gnostic philosophy parable, The Matrix and Matrix: Reloaded really hang together quite nicely. The philosophical stuff that is spouted in great gouts in the second movie by General Exposition (or "The Merovingian") is not filler, it is in fact the heart of the movie, at least as far as the philosophy-obsessed Wachowski brothers are concerned.

Ronn! replied:
Uh, I get enough discussion of philosophy in the course of a normal day. Can't I go to a movie just to be entertained?


Working at a helpline for store cash registers, I get very little opportunity to discuss philosophy during the day (aside from this list, of course). If store managers are losing money because they can't ring sales, they're usually not in the mood to talk about Hegel :-) So I like to see a movie or tv series every now and again that goes a little deeper than, say, "Big boom good." ;-)

Reggie Bautista
Looking Forward To "Hulk Smash" Maru

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