--- Richard Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but that's not really the same situation, is
> it? Can you imagine a
> separate sovereign Hispanic state forming on the
> territory of the
> United States and having a military so powerful that
> it's able to
> inflict repeated humiliating defeats on the forces
> of the federal
> government?
> Rich

No, but I can't imagine us responding by trying to
eliminate Hispanics all around the world either.

Rich, it's really very simple.  If the Palestinians
stopped fighting, and credibly demonstrated that they
were willing to accept the existence of Israel, they'd
get a state today.

If the Israelis stopped fighting, we'd have another
six million dead Jews.

Why is it so hard to see there's a difference there? 
And how come the only people in the world outside of
Israel who care about the difference live in the
United States, and most of them are conservatives?


Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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