Religion is a fraud...,0,1822417.story?coll=bal-f

'Jesus' box ruled a forgery
Los Angeles Times

The burial box purported to have held the bones of "James, brother of
Jesus" — once hailed as among the greatest discoveries of New Testament
archaeology — is a fraud, the Israeli Antiquities Authority said

Although the stone box itself is authentic, the inscription linking it to
James is a modern forgery that was cleverly disguised with an artificial
patina that made it appear to be 2,000 years old, a committee of experts
has unanimously agreed.

"The inscription appears new, written in modernity by someone attempting
to reproduce ancient written characters," the authority's statement said.

The committee also said that another recently discovered artifact, the
so-called Jehoash inscription purporting to be an account of repairs made
to Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, was a more obvious fraud that may have
been produced by the same forger.

If genuine, the two artifacts would have been among the most important
ever found for both Christianity and Judaism. The first was claimed to be
the only archaeological evidence of the existence of Jesus. The second
was purportedly the only non-Biblical evidence of the existence of the
great Temple.

Both were owned by Jerusalem collector Oded Golan, who claimed to have
bought them from antiquities dealers but could not remember the details
of the transactions.

Golan denied the authority's allegations Wednesday in a statement to the
Associated Press. "I'm certain that the committee is wrong regarding its
conclusions," he said, but he is unlikely to draw much support.

"This proves beyond the pale that the inscription is modern," said
Kristin Romey, managing editor of Archaeology Magazine, which will
publish a manuscript from committee members later this year. "These are
some of the top people in the field. It is pretty conclusive."

The James bone box — technically, an ossuary — first came to light in
October 2002 with the publication of an article in the magazine Biblical
Archaeology Review. Paleographer Andre Lemaire of the Sorbonne University
in Paris described the 20-inch-long limestone box, which was inscribed
with the Hebrew phrase "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."

A report from the Geological Survey of Israel supported the antiquity of
the ossuary and Lemaire vouched for the authenticity of the inscription.
Time magazine called it possibly "the most important discovery in the
history of New Testament archaeology."

Golan claimed to have bought it for $200 to $700 from an antiquities
dealer without realizing its importance. Experts later said that, if
genuine, its value would be more than $1 million.

The lack of archaeological provenance made many experts suspicious.
"Nobody knew where it came from," Romey said. "People wanted to believe
in it, but everybody was holding their breath."

To settle questions about the authenticity of both artifacts, the
antiquities authority organized a blue-ribbon panel to study them. The
key evidence turned out to be geological.

Geologists Yuval Goren of Tel Aviv University and Avner Ayalon of the
Geological Survey of Israel identified three distinct coatings on the
surface of the ossuary:

• A thin brown veneer of clay and other minerals cemented to the rock
surface, the so-called varnish created by bacteria or algae on rocks over
long periods.

• A crusty natural coating of patina that formed from deposition of
calcium carbonate as water evaporated from the surface of the stone over
the centuries. This patina is similar to the scale left behind in a

• A unique composite material that Goren called the "James Bond" because
it was bonded only into the incised letters of the inscription. This
material was powdered chalk that was suspended in water and daubed onto
the inscription.

Isotopic studies showed that the calcium carbonate crystals in the "James
Bond" were produced by the evaporation of heated water, while those on
the rest of the patina were produced by evaporation of water at room
temperature. That isotopic evidence is "particularly damning," Romey

The committee concluded that the forger found the words and phrases used
in the inscription on genuine artifacts, scanned them into a computer,
resized them so they were all the same size, then used a program such as
Photoshop or Pagemaker to create a puzzlingly authentic template. The
committee identified potential sources for each word or phrase.

"If I were a forger, that's the way I would do it," said archaeologist P.
Kyle McCarter of Johns Hopkins University.

Using the template, the forger than incised the letters through the
original varnish and patina of the genuine ossuary, then applied the fake
"James Bond" to the letters to make them appear equally old.

The conclusion that the Jehoash inscription is fraudulent was less
controversial because most researchers already doubted its authenticity.
The shoebox-size tablet, whose existence was revealed in January, is
inscribed with 15 lines of Hebrew-Phoenician text — very similar to a
passage in the Old Testament — about repairs to the Temple. The patina
seems to contain microscopic carbon fragments and gold globules,
presumably from the burning of the Temple.

Experts immediately attacked the tablet because of obvious grammatical
errors. That assessment was affirmed Wednesday by committee member
Avigdor Victor Horwitz, an epigrapher at Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev. Not one passage on the tablet was without a linguistic mistake, he
told a news conference.

"The person who wrote the inscription was a person who thinks in modern
Hebrew," he said. "A person thinking in Biblical Hebrew would see it as

Also, the patina on the letters was almost identical to the James Bond on
the ossuary, except that it included carbon particles and fine metal
droplets to simulate exposure to fire. Furthermore, Goren discovered that
this patina could easily be rubbed off the letters, revealing
unmistakably fresh engraving marks.


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