This may have been posted earlier - if so... disregard!

The ad starts like this....

Picture yourself lost in the galaxy...UFO sightings and Alien Abductions are
on the rise...Will you return to tell the story?

Check out the Money Back Guarantee.. priceless!

However, this is more cool...

The headline....
"They are made of aluminum (1/16th of an inch thick) ...the atoms and
of the aluminum have been altered so the plates are in tune,
in resonance, or in harmony with the basic energy of nature and the
It is the same energy that causes the particles of every atom and molecule
to be in constant vibration. They function as transceivers . . . creating a
of energy around themselves that will penetrate any material substance by
This energy may be very beneficial to all life. . .plant, animal or human."

I'm gettin' one! I especially need more osmosis-infused basic energy of
Nature and the Universe transceivers on my person ...

Nerd From Hell


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