Kevin Tarr wrote:

> At 04:20 PM 6/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >Why isn't anyone discussing this?
> >
> >Gautam Mukunda
> Seriously? Are there really that many HP readers on this list? I haven't
> read any, and never plan too. Not trying to be snobbish or pretentious,
> I just don't have time to waste on it.
> Right now on my bookstand is one written in 1983, another in 1995, and the
> third in 1997. The only book I'd do a midnight campout for is the next
> George RR Martin, and I'd have two jealous relatives clawing me if I did
> such a thing.


I used to feel the same way, except that I read them at the behest of a good
friend.  I enjoyed the books, they are fun.  But I was pissed when "Goblet
of Fire" won the Hugo a couple of years back.  I even wrote a long letter to
Locus (which they printed) lamenting the surge or repetive fantasty at the
expense of what I consider SF (I'm like everyone and have my own thoughts).

At any rate, I am an HP fan and am looking foward to the new book, but I
would never vote for it or any fantasy for the Hugo.  This year we have 3 of
the 5 nominees are SF (our lists namesake is on it at long last), 1 fantasy,
and alternate history (not real fond of most of these).

BTW, though I am a bit of an SF snob, I am anxiously awaiting "A Feats for

George A

P.S.  After my letter to Locus, in which I also mentioned in passing that I
thought the SFBC was more about fantasy than SF, I received a long letter
from Andrew Wheeler (one of the club's editors) defending the club and its
monthly offerings.


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