At 10:58 2003-06-23 -0400, you wrote:
Articles are old, but I don't think they've been posted yet:
Big-Fish Stocks Fall 90 Percent Since 1950, Study Says
National Geographic News
May 15, 2003
Only 10 percent of all large fish?both open ocean species including tuna, swordfish, marlin and the large groundfish such as cod, halibut, skates and flounder?are left in the sea, according to research published in today's issue of the scientific journal Nature.
High-Tech Fishing Is Emptying Deep Seas, Scientists Warn
National Geographic News
February 26, 2002
The demand for fresh fish in homes and restaurants around the world is soaring at a time when well-established fisheries are becoming exhausted. To meet the demand, fishing boats are venturing into farther reaches of the ocean, guided by high-tech devices that include technologies originally developed for the Cold War.

This is a growing concern of mine. In 1995, Spain and Canada had a dispute about fishing and both countries had warships in the area around the EEZ border. In times to come, this question will be partly resolved by force and Canada won't be a player unless its navy is renewed.

Canadian fishing disputes:

Personally, I haven't eaten cod since the mid 90s, even though
it's my favorite.  I now try to avoid eating "wild" fish which
pretty much means that I'm stuck with salmon and trout.



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