Second comment.  Aren't you usually ANTI-religion?  If one
does take at face value that Constantine got a meteor at just the
right time, it does make it very probable that there are at least
"more things under Heaven and in Earth than are dreamt of", right?
        Shouldn't you be saying things like: "Some historian probably
wove the meteor report into the story, even though it happened three
years BEFORE the battle."

Didn't you read the quote at the end of the piece the Fool added in?

Regardless the argument holds little water; more than likely the story of the cross was added by later writers to reflect the growing interest in Christianity occurring at the time. I doubt the idea of Constantine seeing such a sign encouraged him to win the battle, or to eventually end the persecution of Christians (which was never as popular as later Victorian historians or movies like you to believe); I think his mother had far more to do with it than that...

Despite that I find the whole story and argument to be very shaky. He MIGHT have seen the meteor trail (though absolutely wouldn't see the blast) but that's not enough evidence to base any historical conclusions from.


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
Now Building: Esci/Italeri's M60A1 Patton


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