From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:34 PM 6/23/03 -0500, The Fool wrote:
> > From: David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > The Fool wrote:
> > >
> > >
> >
> >       First comment.  Note the subject line, Fool.  They have the
> > spam-filters turned up pretty high where I work, but ALL of these
> > posts of yours trigger them.  : )
>It's apparently my ISP Mailserver.  Nothing I can do.
> > >
> > > Space impact 'saved Christianity'
> > >
> > > By Dr David Whitehouse
> > > BBC News Online science editor
> > >
> > > Did a meteor over central Italy in AD 312 change the course of
> > > Christian history?
> > ...
> > >
> > > The history of Christianity and the establishment of the popes in
> > > might have been very different.
> >
> >       Second comment.  Aren't you usually ANTI-religion?  If one
> > does take at face value that Constantine got a meteor at just the
> > right time, it does make it very probable that there are at least
> > "more things under Heaven and in Earth than are dreamt of", right?
> >       Shouldn't you be saying things like: "Some historian probably
> > wove the meteor report into the story, even though it happened three
> > years BEFORE the battle."
>No.  I am after fact.  Most religious rubish isn't based on facts.
>If they are right then if it were not for this chance occurance, europe
>might be mithraist or mulsim and not christian.

The rise of the dark ages along with the rise the popes and 'universal'
(catholic) belief, are hardly coincident.  It was only when the absolute
authority of the popes began to disintegrate into hundreds of competeing
factions that europe began it's upward path again.


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