Erik Reuter wrote:

> > Not without some effort on your part, Mr. Baker. Say something
> > scathing, snide, nasty, intolerant...  You have to have your fun
> > before claiming the badge, I'm afraid.
> Oh, shut up, you religious ninny!

Hmm, that's close but not quite good enough. Not to be overly critical,
but you really need to be more abrasive and offensive. 'Shut up' is just
too direct to be nasty enough. Besides, it is not a phrase that has much
effect in the middle of an argument.
'Religious' would hardly be taken as an insult by people who believe in
God. Is there an English equivalent of 'kattarpanthi' - somebody who is
foolishly, bitterly bound to the rituals/portions of the text? 
'Ninny' is certainly a fighting word...but that just makes it one word
out of six. Not efficient enough, I'm afraid.

GCU Attempt Again, If You Wish
GSV Standards, People!


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