Rumsfeld's personal spy ring
The defense secretary couldn't count on the CIA or the State Department
to provide a pretext for war in Iraq. So he created a new agency that
would tell him what he wanted to hear.

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By Eric Boehlert

July 16, 2003  |  During last fall's feverish ramp up to war with Iraq,
the Pentagon created an unusual in-house shop to monitor Saddam Hussein's
links with terrorists and his allegedly sprawling arsenal of weapons of
mass destruction. With direct access to Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld's office and the White House, the influential group helped lay
out, both to administration officials and to the press, an array of
chilling, almost too-good-to-be-true examples of why Saddam posed an
immediate threat to America. 

Six months later, with controversy mounting over the administration's
handling of war intelligence, the small, secretive cell inside the
Pentagon is drawing closer scrutiny and may soon be the subject of a
congressional inquiry to determine whether it manipulated and politicized
key intelligence and botched planning for post-war Iraq. 

"The concern is they were in the cherry-picking business," says U.S. Rep.
Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., a member of the House Armed Services Committee.
"Cherry-picking half-truths and rumors and only highlighting pieces of
information that bolstered the administration's case for war." 

The Pentagon's innocuously named Office of Special Plans served as a
unique, hand-picked group of hawkish defense officials who worked outside
regular intelligence channels. According to the Department of Defense,
the group was first created in the aftermath of Sept. 11 to supplement
the war on terrorism; it was designed to sift through all the
intelligence on terrorist activity, and to focus particularly on various
al-Qaida links. By last fall it was focusing almost exclusively on Iraq,
and often leaking doomsday findings about Saddam's regime. Those
controversial conclusions are now fueling the suspicion the obscure
agency, propelled by ideology, manipulated key findings in order to fit
the White House's desire to wage war with Iraq. 


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