The Truth About the Rob-Georgia File   

By Bev Harris has now revealed for the first time the location of a
complete online copy of the original data set. As we anticipate attempts
to prevent the distribution of this information we encourage supporters
of democracy to make copies of these files and to make them available on
websites and file sharing networks. the Diebold files 

A Diebold touchscreen voting machine
Makers of the walk right in, sit right down, replace ballot tallies with
your own GEMS vote counting program.

Diebold voting machines are used in 37 states. The entire state of Ohio
is considering dumping its old system to buy Diebold. Georgia already

The Diebold files, supposedly secret voting machine files left on an
unprotected web site for nearly six years, are unlocking the truth. 

Official stories about voting machine security, acceptance testing and
last-minute program changes are beginning to slide around like hot grease
on a Georgia griddle. 

What was the program patch known as used for? What were
they doing with that ftp site, anyway? Hang in for the first part of this
article, the finger-pointing and obfuscating part, because it concludes
with a straightforward explanation of what went on in Georgia that has
never been made public before. 

Do any of these people tell the truth?...


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