John Garcia wrote:
> On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 11:50  AM, The Fool wrote:
> >
> > Friday browncoat republicans in the house of representatives called the
> > police to arrest and remove democratic representatives from a library
> > in
> > the house of representatives.  The future is here and now.  Never
> > before
> > has something so shocking happened in the history of the united states.
> Worse has happened. I would say the incident where Congressman Preston
> Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner nearly to death on the Senate floor
> over Sumner's speech on "Bleeding Kansas" was worse.

I'd have to agree with John here.  There's a definite difference in
degree, if not kind, between trying to have someone arrested and
actually inflicting that kind of bodily damage.

Not to say that the Republicans look all that good in this, but it could
have been worse.  (And then the backlash would have been that much more,
as well.)


who still thinks that Gov. Perry needs a proctocraniectomy, and that
he's not doing anything to make Republicans terribly popular in Texas
right now

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