In a message dated 7/25/2003 9:28:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I think that's Gautam's point.   If, as you seem to agree, the Left is
> simply incapable of coming up with a coherent war plan against terrorism,
> then the Left is inherently unqualified and unworthy to hold high political
> office in the United States for the future as far as we can 
> see.

So it really depends on who the "left" is. If you are talking about moderate democrats 
and liberals, their plan would have been much the same as Bush's sans the alienation 
of the rest of the world and the war on Iraq this year (maybe not; Some in Clinton's 
white house wanted to take Sadaam out so with a changed political climate this might 
have happened anyway). If you are talking about the real left (not just the left of 
center liberals), who cares?

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